RFID Badge
RFID Badges are provided to members so they can access the shop during their membership's hours.
For Port City Maker members, they can access the shop during Open Hours as posted on the website.
For Maker's Guild members, they can access the shop 24/7.
How to use your badge
- There are two RFID-enabled doors: one in the Classroom, and one in the Electronics Lab.
- The RFID Reader is a small black rectangle with a blue diamond-shaped light on it, located on the door frame.
- Hold your RFID Badge close to the black rectangle as shown. The blue diamond will momentarily turn green, confirming that it successfully read the badge.
- Note: this does not mean the door unlocked, it means that the system read the badge.
- You should hear a click by the door handle. Pull on the door handle without turning it. The lock mechanism will release and allow the door to open.
- Note: if the mechanism is stuck, you may need to push on the door first and then pull.
- If your badge did not work, please contact the Manager.
Use your badge every time you visit the shop
- Swipe when you enter
- Swipe when you leave for the day
When you swipe your badge, it logs it in our system and helps us know when people were there and how much activity there was that day. This can be beneficial for a variety of reasons, so please do this every time!
Returning your badge
If your membership has expired, please return your RFID Badge as soon as possible.
What to do if it gets lost
Please report lost badges to RFID@portcitymakerspace.com. You will be provided a replacement for free, and the old one will be removed from the system. It is important that you report lost badges right away.
If you feel like donating to pay for the badge, you can throw a few dollars in the donation box in the classroom.